
Jorge Ramos left Univision due to his 40-year career serving Latinos in Unidos states

Jorge Ramos, one of the periodical Latinos who has done more research into established television, left the last year of Univision’s announcements, while hosting his informative program for decades, by deciding (the other way around, then the company) no renovation is a point of decay.

“This is not an goodbye”, said Ramos, who has 66 years in Mexico City. If you are aware of the notices, confirm that your notice will be presented soon: “If you make a comparison with professional aircraft”. Ramos expressed his organ and “profundo agradecimiento” through his decades of work in his company.

Univision President Daniel Coronell shared his share of “gratitude” during the period, announcing that he is “preparing” for the trip that would take place in 2025.

Ramos, when he spent time on his portada and took into account one of the most influential European states in 2015, before the election of presidential candidates for immigration that would receive a protagónico paper for the duration of the promises and the candidate Republicans, Donald Trump presented the Noticiero Univision in early 1986, when he appeared on the Internet.

“Profesionalmente, su vida ha dado manyas vueltas”, it is explained on the Internet, begins in the periodical “por casualidad” in his native Mexico. Decided to go to Unidos University “with a censorship incident”, and born in Los Angeles in 1983, his career began in college as a reporter and as a conductor, a local and national leader.

There is information about the Belgian conflict situations (El Salvador, the Gulf of Persico, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq), confirmed the historical events such as the Berlin Wall, the final of the Soviet Union, or the attention of September 11, 2001.

He has published 13 books, publishing a seminal opinion column published in 40 journals of hemisferio, and has received more than a decade of Grammy awards, the Rey de España award, the National Award of Mexico Periodismo, and the Gabriel García Márquez a la excelencia periodística award, among many others.

Autocrats, secretaries and presidents

Others have autocratic figures (Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez or Nicolás Maduro) with literary figures (Octavio Paz, Isabel Allende, Mario Vargas Llosa), ex-presidents (Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, George Bush) and de facto mandated party, Joe Biden. There is a description a year ago by an entrepreneur of ex-president Donald Trump of other periodistas, Enrique Acevedo, on Univision, which received criticism: “Nuestro is considered as a periodista as one of the ten possible”.

“It is not possible to confront Trump, because now there is a moral obligation that offers a window of opportunity”, he says, “but it cannot be that there is much more to play and debate”. “For 39 years Univision has allowed me to report with absolute independence and freedom”, he says, “because I have been in Mexico and I have vine in Estados Unidos. And this creo and es lo que seguiré haciendo like a free periodista, esté donde esté”.

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