
Wang Yi urges stronger cooperation to combat cross-border crime

Global Times

China’s leadership, initiatives key to sustained stability and development

By Deng Xiaoci Published: Aug 18, 2024 10:48 PM

Chinese observers on Sunday hailed the significance of a proposal made by China’s top diplomat Wang Yi, who underscored the urgent need for intensified regional cooperation to combat the growing threat of cross-border crime, including online gambling and telecom fraud, during a recent informal meeting with foreign ministers from Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand in Chiang Mai. Experts said that Wang’s proposal embodies pragmatic cooperation in the region, with China’s initiatives and leadership playing a crucial role.

According to the website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the meeting on Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang emphasized the importance of security as a fundamental prerequisite for national development.

Wang said the four countries have undertaken a series of collaborative operations against cross-border crime, resulting in the arrest of over 50,000 individuals involved in gambling and fraud activities since last year.

He called for enhanced border controls, securing national boundaries and managing key entry points to prevent illegal crossings. Wang also advocated improved intelligence sharing, continuous joint operations and swift action to apprehend and repatriate criminals who have fled across borders.

A lasting and stable regional environment relies on the sustained handling of specific issues by the countries involved. Through the process of crackdown on cross-border crimes, consensus is reached, common interests are accumulated, and a habit of cooperation is formed. This, in turn, fosters a sense of community among these countries, enabling them to maintain long-term stability and sustainable development through collaborative efforts and a shared community mind-set, Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Sunday.

Therefore, China’s initiatives and leadership are not only pragmatic but also strategically oriented toward the long term goal, Li noted.

The Ninth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was also held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Friday, after which the heads of delegations from the six Lancang-Mekong countries issued a joint statement that stressed on jointly combating cross-border crimes , according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Cross-border crime not only damages the international image of the region and the countries involved, but also disrupts the development environment both within and beyond the region, Chinese observers pointed out.

China’s initiative aligns with the practical needs and long-term interests of these countries, and this is why it is crucial for all parties to join forces in addressing this urgent issue, they said, noting that it reflects the significant impact that the spillover of issues like drug trafficking and smuggling from within the region has on both the region and the world, Chinese observers noted.

Addressing these problems requires international cooperation, which is why China’s proposal is timely and necessary, aiming to protect each country’s aspirations for stability, prosperity and development, observers said.


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