2016 年 12 月


布拉格的地鐵是相對歐洲其他區域年輕的地鐵,二戰前就規劃過了,可惜戰爭後延宕許久 一直到1960年代才規劃完成並於1974年開通 由於捷克在1989年之前是蘇聯體制之一,所以布拉格的地鐵有濃濃的共產主義味道. The Prague Metro (Czech: Pražské metro) is the rapid transit network of Prague, Czech Republic. Founded in 1974,the Prague Metro now comprises three lines (A, B and C), serving 61 stations (predominantly with island platform) and consists of a transit network 65.2 kilometres (40.5 mi) long. Prag...
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捷克的哈維爾國際機場離布拉格市區約略20公里的距離,此機場為捷克航空公司大本營. 從1937年落成至今,Václav Havel International Airport(PRG)哈維爾國際機場 已成為了捷克最大的國際機場了. The Prague airport is located about 20 km north of the Prague center and it is a hub for Czech Airlines. The airport was opened in 1937. Václav Havel International Airport or shortly just Prague Airport (PRG) is the biggest airport in the Czech Republic
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捷克首都--布拉格的大眾運輸交通系統在歐洲來說蠻便捷的 每天布拉格有將近三分之二的人口使用捷運(地鐵),電車以及巴士 整個布拉格大部份區域都能透過大眾運輸系統到達,實屬方便 Prague has one of the best public transportation systems in Europe. The metro, trams and buses are used by two-thirds of Prague's population and cover the majority of the city and outskirts.
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